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The Hazards Campaign
is a network of
resource centres and campaigners
on health and safety at work

Quick links: Asbestos regs updateSample letter [word doc]

URGENT-URGENT-URGENT - 13 December 2005

Don’t allow the Government to downgrade your protection from deadly asbestos

Please follow the links at the top and bottom of the page for publicity concerned with our campaign to halt the attempts by the Health and Safety Executive to downgrade Asbestos Protection Regulations. This publicity is self explanatory. The HSE are preparing to introduce these regulations some time early next year after the end of there consultation period on 31st January.

They are trying to reverse the gains we have made over the last six years in getting asbestos imports banned in 1999 and then getting in 2002 improved asbestos regulations.

We would appreciated it if you could use this information so as to lobby your local MP. And get your Unions sponsored MP to demand the following be removed from the regulations: "Regulation 3, Sporadic and low intensity Worker Exposure to Asbestos" and "Short Term Exposure Limits to Asbestos." The proposals concerned with "Textured Coatings"

Please can you give us a feed back if you have any success.

Thanks for your attention,

Construction Safety Campaign

Asbestos regs updateSample letter

The Hazards Campaign, c/o Greater Manchester Hazards Centre, Windrush Millennium Centre, 70 Alexandra Road,
Manchester, M16 7WD . website www.hazardscampaign.org.uk