Following a letter from Mr G Podger, Chief Exec Health and Safety Executive (HSE), responding to an article in the Daily Mirror (see below) on the likely effects of cuts to our safety police, the HSE, the Hazards Campaign wishes to point out Mr Podger’s points just do not stand up to scrutiny as is shown in a very recent report by Professors from the University of Stirling in a report which is linked below. While the report’s title is about Scotland the content of the report covers the issue in the UK. The Executive Summary can be found here.
Further information: Mick Holder, Hazards Campaign or telephone 0161 636 7557.
Daily Mirror article: Health and Safety Executive Will work be the death of you? Workers exposed to dangers because of savage health inspectors cuts
G Podger, HSE’s response:
University of Stirling: Regulating Scotland: What works and what does not in occupational and environmental health and what the future may hold
Related information: Hazards magazine