Tag Archives: Hazards Conference 2021

Hazards conference 2021, 31 July-1 August

Hazards Conference 2021

Fighting for the fundamental right to safe and healthy work
Hazards Conference is online again this year.
Saturday 31 July 2021: 10am-3.30pm – register
Sunday 1 August 2021: 10am-1.00pm – register
You will need to sign up to Saturday and Sunday separately

The Hazards Conference is the UK’s largest educational and organising event for trade union safety reps and activists. Safety reps make a huge difference in supporting and extending workers’ basic rights and conditions. The conference will look at innovative and practical solutions to many of the issues facing workers and provide opportunities to network, exchange experience and information and learn from safety reps and activists from other unions, sectors and jobs across the UK.

A stellar line of speakers includes:

Sharan Burrow, general secretary of the global trade union confederation ITUC, is thekeynote speaker at the opening session on Saturday and will spell out why health and safety must be recognised worldwide as an ILO Fundamental Right at Work.

Richard Wagstaff, NZCTU President will speak on recent safety lessons learned recently in New Zealand with particular focus on Covidd-19.

Andy McDonald, Labour’s shadow employment secretary, is the keynote speaker at the Sunday session.

Saturday 31 July 2021: 10am-3.30pm – register
10.00 – 11.30 Opening Plenary – with national and international speakers on the Fundamental Right to safe and healthy work
11.45– 12.45  Challenging work surveillance, micro-management and other draconian working practices
13.15– 14.15 Supporting Workers and their families seeking justice and health and safety enforcement
14.30 – 15.30 Challenging increased violence and abuse at work

Sunday 1 August 2021: 10am-1.00pm – register
Plenary 10.00 – 10.30
Two Workshops: 10.30 – 11.30 and 11.45- 12.45
(make your selection using the registration form)
1. Safety Reps organising creatively
2. Investigating incidents and injuries in the workplace
3. Risk Assessment and the control hierarchy
4. Work related stress and mental health harm
5. Addressing the air pollution in our working environments
6. Sex and gender sensitive health and safety
7. Asbestos at work
8. Hybrid Working
Closing Plenary 12.45 – 13.00