Clean Air Day: Thursday June 17th – 6-7.30pm
Clean Air Day has been held every year since 2017 and is co-ordinated by Global Action Plan. The need for action is clear. From the recent verdict at nine year old Ella Kissi-Debra’s inquest making a direct link between the air pollution she endured and her untimely death to the recent study published by University College London stating that globally we are experiencing at least 8.7 million deaths related to air pollution annually.
On Clean Air Day 2021 join the Hazards Campaign panel of experts from across the UK, to discuss what is happening in their country and what TUCAN should be doing to drive forward the air quality agenda throughout UK workplaces.
Register via Eventbrite for the Zoom event
Links to more information and resources
Greener workplaces for a just transition – a Wales TUC toolkit for trade unionists | TUC
Free online Courses from the Greener Jobs Alliance
The Clean Air Plan for Wales: Healthy Air, Healthy Wales, Welsh Government
Setting standards for employers to meet isn’t an unreachable burden – London’s low emission zone, TUCAN
Toxics Use Reduction: beyond analysis to action Linking public health, occupational health and safety, environmental sustainability and new or better employment: a position paper Toxic use Reduction in the Scottish context
Stop deadly exposures @ work today! Hazards Campaign Briefing Document
Target cancers: Cancers and their work causes Hazards magazine factsheet
Air Pollution: all in a days work TUCAN PowerPoint
For more information contact
If you would like to take part in the air quality monitoring of your workplace, please contact