Thanks to everyone who attended, spoke, facilitated, chaired and participated in Hazards Conference 2021 on the weekend 31-July and 1 August organised by Hazards Campaign.
We were privileged to have the opportunity to hear from the movement’s most brilliant health and safety organisers and activists, from here in the UK and also our fantastic international speakers.
Workshop facilitators gave their time freely, professionally and enthusiastically. The Hazards Campaigns is very grateful and appreciative of the huge efforts in preparation and delivery of the fantastic workshops.
The links to the recordings and resources are below:
Saturday plenary session (excluding Q&A of discussion sessions):
Richard Wagstaff, President, of NZCTU also showed a highly persuasive video sent to him by a community support worker –
PDF of Powerpoint display used between sessions
The Saturday plenary was followed by three discussion sessions:
- Challenging Work surveillance, micro-management and other draconian working practices, led by PCS National Health and Safety and Environment Officer Tracy Edwards supported by Prof. Phil Taylor Strathclyde University, Ian Hodson President BFAWU and Bryan Simpson, Unite Union Hospitality Organiser.
- Supporting Workers and their families seeking justice and health and safety enforcement led by Hilda Palmer FACK and Hazards Campaign, supported by FACK member, Louise Adamson Michael’s Story, FACK and Scottish Hazards, Keith Cundall Irwin Mitchell, Sam Atkinson, FACK member, Bow Crane Collapse and Prof. Phil James. Presentation by Phil James •
Supporting Families session links - Challenging increased violence and abuse at work led by National Health and Safety Officer Rob Miguel Unite Union, supported by Kim Sunley National Health and Safety Officer Unison, Doug Russell National Health and Safety Officer at USDAW, Paul Holleran GMB NW/NI Education/Health and Safety Officer on violence faced by journalists and Sarah Woolley General Secretary BFAWU on violence faced by women at work.
Sunday Morning Plenary with Andy McDonald MP (Q&A) session:
The Sunday Plenary was followed by these eight workshops
- Workshop 1 – Safety Reps Organising Creatively to Keep Workers Safe During the Pandemic and Beyond
Barry Faulkner (Unite National Political Education Coordinator)
Andrea Oates (Labour Research Department)
– Introduction • Resources and creative action for safety reps
- Workshop 2 – Investigating incidents and injuries in the workplace
Julie Weekes, Trade Union Education
Alan McShane, Health & Safety Activist
– Investigating accidents PowerPoint - Workshop 3 – Risk Assessment and Control Hierarchy
Nigel Williams, TU Education
Paul Pritchard, TU Education
– PowerPoint 1 • PowerPoint 2 - Workshop 4 – Work stress and mental health
Alex Lancaster, UCU National Health and Safety Officer
Paul Holleran, GMB NW and NI Education and Health and safety Officer
– UCU Workload Campaign – Example of a campaign to tackle work-related stress caused by excessive workloads
– HSE – Work-related stress and how to tackle it
– HSE checklist for employers to check if their risk assessment approach is suitable and sufficient
– HSE example of checklist for work organisation and psychosocial risk factors
– TUC safety reps survey 2021
-Stevensen /Farmer Review: Thriving at Work: a review of mental health and employers - Workshop 5 – Air pollution in our working environments
John James Wales – TU Education tutor
Hilda Palmer – GM Hazards Campaign, and Trade Union Clean Air Network TUCAN
– Resources document • Air pollution workshop presentation • Air Pollution – All in a day’s work? [PowerPoint]
Plus: Recording of the workshop
- Workshop 6 – Sex and gender sensitive health and safety
Cath Roberts Trade Union Tutor
Helen Lynn Alliance for Cancer Prevention
– Why women are not the “default male” and why we need change
– TUC Gender checklist on occupational safety and health
– Prospect Guide: Gender in occupational health and safety
- Workshop 7 – Asbestos at Work
Dominic Riley, Irwin Mitchell – presentation
Michael Phillips – NASUWT – presentation
- Workshop 8 – Hybrid working
Ian Tasker Scottish Hazards
PLUS – Resources posted in the Zoom chat by participants
- All out! Global union confederation ITUC wants to show killer chemicals the door, Hazards magazine
- ETUC Resolution on the Need for EU Action to Protect Workers from High Temperatures
- US union Federation AFL-CIO on climate change at work
- ITUC on OHS as a fundamental right at work
IT’S FUNDAMENTAL | Making work safety an ILO Fundamental Right at Work, Hazards magazine - ITUC on climate proofing work
CLIMATE AND EMPLOYMENT PROOF OUR WORK 22 September 2021: Take part in the global conversation about our future - Turkey Trade Union Organisation
- Unions already supporting wide support from employers and industry federations. Global construction union federation BWI. - Unions secure support for fundamental safety at Hinkley Point C,, Europe’s largest construction site. - Major mining waste disasters from criminal mismanagement in Brazil in 2015 and 2019 led to this guide:
- How the corporate trade body [ICMM] muscled investors [the CoE and Swedish Pension Funds] and UNEP to accept their views on their “Global Tailings Standard”: - Mining waste had one brief mention in ILO c176 in 1995 supports all union safety reps, providing news and an e-library of legislation, documentation and information in 109 categories relating to workplace and environmental health and safety - Global union federation ITUC is spearheading the global campaign for recognition of occupational health and safety as an ILO fundamental right at work, a move which has garnered wide support from occupational safety, occupational medicine and employer groups.
- Unions could have helped to avoid this ‘pingdemic’ mess – but no one asked them, Frances O’Grady
- Wellbeing worldbeaters: New Zealand, Scotland and Iceland –
- ITUC position brief: The WTO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2021 WTO reform agenda
- Vaccination is not enough by itself to stop the spread of variants, study finds
- Indian-made Astrazeneca vaccine not recognised in EU
- Link to the study Rates of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and vaccination impact the fate of vaccine-resistant strains
- TUC Long Covid report – Workers’ experiences of long Covid and news release
- Wales TUC Covid briefing, 10.30-11.30am, Wednesday 11 August – Briff Cynrychiolwyr Iechyd a Diogelwch TUC Cymru ar Covid, 10.30am, 11 Awst.
- Petition for Long Covid to be recognised as a disability to give workers protection under equalities legislation: Treat Long Covid as a Disability
- Whistleblowing is still a career-ending suicide mission
- Racial inequalities in occupational health predating Covid…. we were citing studies in the 1980s showing Black coke oven workers in the US were getting more cancers because they had the dirtiest of the dirty jobs. The cancers were killing lots of workers, but stratification of the workplace by race, or gender or any other division is bad for us all. The union dividend includes reducing inequalities – and that is a key health and safety issue.
- Workers in the Arts sector were most ignored by government on pandemic. Pantomime dames protest at Westminster over Covid theatre restrictions
Subscribe to Hazards Magazine
- Why Climate Change matters to trade unions
- Health and safety WhatsApp group
- Trying to attract more members and more to stand as safety reps I worked with Prospect to produce A safety rep for all seasons
- Morning Star on Brewdog – Unions offer support to BrewDog workers after accusations of ‘toxic work environment’
- Unite hospitality
- Health equity in England: the Marmot review 10 years on
- Lean Six Sigma
- Michelin star chef Tom Kitchin accused of humiliating and abusing staff
- Appraisal of What Performance?, Harvard Business Review, 1976
- The Brewdog Campaign, An Open Letter to BrewDog
- Union Safety search that lists three Marmot 10 years on review
- HSE stress standards
- Hazards Magazine Infections factsheet
- HSE has finally caught up and their Guidance is better than it was, incorporates a lot OF HAZARDS Demands, enforcement of course missing but use it
- Reducing Stigma about Stress and Related Conditions
- Thriving at work The Stevenson / Farmer review of mental health and employers
- Any colleagues have family/friends in hospitality, our new website:
- #IWMD19 special report: Making work-related murders visible in Turkey, Hazards magazine
- Supporting workers and their families seeking justice and health and safety enforcement
- Read IER’s article in Hzards magazine: COMPLETE FAILURE | Fatal consequences of an expendable worker culture
- Listing of HSE board members
- An evidence review into the deadly failures of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) throughout the pandemic, Hazards magazine, 10 April 2021.
- Usdaw – Freedom from Fear survey 2020
- £2.5m for unfair dismissal – Manager with cancer fired after steroids altered his behaviour awarded £2.5m for unfair dismissal
- Body-worn cameras for Denbighshire council staff after abuse
- Interesting paper from the UK government on employer’s role and domestic violence
- Sharing the joint guidance the unions developed with employers on domestic abuse in the NHS
- read the most recent article from Hazards magazine on sexual harassment here: Hands off: Time to take sexual harassment at work seriously and change the law
- More from Hazards magazine on sexual harassment in the workplace: #So what? #Me too has exposed a workplace crisis but no-one’s held to account
- Third article from Hazards magazine: It’s not OK: Sexual harassment at work is more blue collar than red carpet
- Sisters to the front: A network of women who work in the UK trade union movement • Twitter
- BFAWU briefing on sexual harassment
- If you would like to donate to Hazards Conference either use the donate me button here or by bank transfer to Hazards Conference a/c 20090430 sort code 608301 and use your name as reference
- On waste issues, union are pressing at the UN Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) negotiations for a employer responsibility, due diligence, polluter pays, human and labour rights etc in the revised agreement….
- Some of the key sick pay issues and union objectives spelled out in this Hazards magazine article